
Thank You, Mr. Craig

Dear Mr. Craig. Not exactly sure of your last name, but I would love to meet you, shake your hand, and tell you how much I love that list of yours. I'm not quite sure why anyone would ever buy retail again after truly experiencing what you have to offer. You see, patience is not always my forte, but when it comes to you and your list my friend, you have always delivered. Every time. And at this moment I am enjoying the cool night air from the comfort of the loveseat out on my deck. As much as I love to be outside, and as the mornings and evenings eventually become cooler and cooler (at least I think they will... they have to, right?) I'm sure I'll be spending many of them right here.

I would be remiss however, if I didn't give a huge shout out to this guy right here...

without whom, none of this would've been possible, seeing how he was so generous to lend me his truck. Thanks Bobby Billy. I owe ya man.

Those TSC staff peeps really blessed my socks off that day... cause on top of the wonderful truck lending generosity of our middle school pastor, a certain preschool ministry assistant who caught me in the act of trying to load carseats into the back of said truck came out to my rescue and suggested that instead, I let 'em hang out with the awesome ladies in the office for a bit...

Really? Do you know what you're saying? I mean, we're talking about these sweet adorable little faces right here...

Before you agree to this, please believe me when I tell you- you won't get anything else done while I'm gone. Here's your chance to totally back out on your offer. But you'd better hurry, before I run...

But she didn't. Wow. And it was suuuuch a treat to handle this without kiddos in tow! So thanks a MILLION each to Amber, Alicia, Christy, Angela, April, Joanna, and anyone else that I'm unaware of and unintentionally leaving out for keeping my kids out of the heat and out of my hair while I fetched up my latest treasure. Y'all absolutely made my day. An invitation to lunch on my deck sitting in my new furniture will be extended to y'all hopefully very soon!

Happy Weekend Everyone! Enjoy it!

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