

Not on purpose really... I know I'm a super bad Mama right now, seeing how it has been two whole weeks since Reese Cup's bday, and no blog with party pictures from either party. The problem is this... I uploaded all of the pictures to my external drive and then left the plug to the drive in Ohio. It should be here very soon thanks to the US Postal Service, so Big T... if you can hold on a little longer, I promise it's coming.

There are indeed a plethera of blogs brewing in this brain of mine, including blurbs on my sweet Reese's first bdays, my sweet husband's 27th bday, my newest piece of photographic equipment (eg my new toy) and the latest on my weekend full of puke, planerides, and other fun stuff in our lives.

Tune in shortly... I promise I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.


Four Better or Worse!?!?! said...

Glad to hear you are still alive and kicking! Can't wait to hear about puke . . . because with kids around you can never get enough puke talk! :-)

O Fam said...

Thanks for clarifying....I was beginning to wonder. Especially after all that puke!!!